Welcome to the SW Community Center, located in Santa Ana, CA


Our Mission...

We provide food, clothing, shelter, guidance, health and referral services to economically disadvantaged individuals and families, and assist and encourage those whom we serve to achieve self-sufficiency.

2018 Update 

For the first time in over 40 years, we face the real possibility of reducing services to our clients. The need is increasing, but our contributions are only about half of last year.

Hannah Jones hands out food to those in need at the Southwest Community Center in Santa Ana. Her great- great-grandmother Annie Mae Tripp started feeding people in the 1970s.

$$$ Fifty Dollars Can Bring $$$
Miracles to the Lives of Those In Need
What, you may ask, does your donation do for the homeless and low-income individuals and families who receive help from Southwest Community Center? Well, a donation of $50.00 provides:

  • Hot Breakfasts for 100 homeless and hungry individuals at risk of going without.
  • Food for a family of four for two weeks.
  • Food assistance for 30 families for four days.
  • Food assistance for 42 families for three days.
  • Daily transportation and clothing for job interviews for 36 job seekers.